Although most landscape trees are relatively low maintenance, they still need some basic annual care. One such task you don't want to skip is tree trimming, as a proper prune can fix many issues that often plague trees in the yard.

1. Branch Stubs

Branch stubs result from improper pruning or from branches that break off in storms. Ideally, any removed branch is cut off nearly flush to the trunk or the larger bough to which it joins. Stubs that are left on the tree won't produce new growth or foliage, and they also slow the healing over of the wound and increase the chances of disease issues. A tree trimmer can locate branch stubs and trim them back properly.

2. Unbalanced Crown

The crown of the tree should be fairly symmetrical so that the weight on all sides is evenly distributed. Poor pruning can result in an asymmetrical and unbalanced crown, as can wind and storm damage. When the crown is heavier on one side, the chances of the tree blowing down are increased due to the poorly distributed weight load. Your tree trimmers can thin out the larger side so that the crown is balanced.

3. Scruffy Trunk

Weak branches and sucker growth along the trunk are unattractive, and the  suckers divert nutrients from the tree crown. These growths can also be hazardous if low branches obstruct walkways. Your trimmer will remove the weak growth back to the trunk carefully to avoid any dangerous tree wounds. They can also trim out lower branches if necessary so that the tree crown is raised to a better height.

4. Bark Damage

Damage to bark is most often caused by mechanical means, such as bumping up the tree with the lawn mower, or from storm damage, such as the wind tearing off a branch along with a chunk of the bark around it. Ragged bark wounds heal slowly, which makes them a prime infection area for diseases or some wood boring insects. Your tree trimmer can clean up the bark wound so that it heals more quickly.

5. Rubbing Branches

Branches in the crown that rub together develop wounds at the friction point, which become a target for diseases and pests. A bunch of rubbing branches in the crown is also indicative of too-dense growth. Your trimmer can remove the rubbing, damaged branches and open up the crown so more light and air circulation penetrates.

Contact a tree trimming service, such as Aspen Tree Service, LLC., if any of these issues are impacting the health and appearance of your landscape trees.
