Now that fall is here, it's time to get your yard ready for winter. After all, it's the steps you take during the fall that will ensure a safe winter and a thriving spring for your yard. It doesn't take much to get your yard ready for winter, but it does take some planning and preparation. Here are four tips you can use to prep your yard for winter.

Plant Your Spring Bulbs

After a long, cold winter, you probably look forward to the blossoming of color in your yard. Unfortunately, you won't have those vibrant spring colors if you don't do some work in the late fall. While the ground is still slightly warm, and before the first winter freeze, you'll want to plant your spring bulbs. Planting them in the fall will ensure that they're safely in the ground when winter arrives and that they'll have plenty of time to get ready for a spring release of vibrant blossoms.

Plan Your Winter Cover Crops

If you grow vegetables in your yard, you may think that summer marks the end of your garden until the spring. However, that's not true. Actually, you'll want to plant winter cover crops in your yard. Growing winter cover crops such as beans, spinach, onions, and peas will ensure that your soil has its vital nutrients replenished before spring arrives. It will also ensure that your soil remain tillable throughout the year.

Trim Your Trees

If you've got trees in your yard, don't forget to take care of them now that fall has arrived. Winter can be particularly hard on trees, especially once they lose their foliage. You want to make sure that they survive the winter, and awaken to spring with enough strength to sustain new growth. The best way to do that is to have your trees trimmed once the last leaves have fallen. Be sure your trees are also inspected for pest problems and diseases. Taking care of your trees in the fall will ensure that they're healthy through the winter.

Mulch Your Leaves

If your yard is filled with leaves, don't rake them up. Those leaves will actually create a nice nutrient-rich covering for your lawn this winter. Instead of raking them up, use a mulching lawn mower to shred your leaves into a protective mulch. Leave the mulch in place throughout the winter months to protect your dormant lawn from damage associated with freezing temperatures.

Contact a company that offers landscaping services for additional advice.
